Interdisciplinary, Project based Design 1 / NEWS
2015-10-05 12:56
Dear Students,
enclosed the description of the 1st Building construction task and the list after the additional presentation of the concept design.
A, A/B, B : presentation fulfilled
?: absent, compulsory additional presentation
B/C, C : incomplete presentation, need for completition
On Tuesday there is going to be lecture at 10.15 am., than at 11.15 am. an exceptional, very last chance for students, who didn't fulfil the additional presentation on Friday. Than we continue with consultation.
For the fulfilment of the course you have to pass the concept design presentation.
enclosed the description of the 1st Building construction task and the list after the additional presentation of the concept design.
A, A/B, B : presentation fulfilled
?: absent, compulsory additional presentation
B/C, C : incomplete presentation, need for completition
On Tuesday there is going to be lecture at 10.15 am., than at 11.15 am. an exceptional, very last chance for students, who didn't fulfil the additional presentation on Friday. Than we continue with consultation.
For the fulfilment of the course you have to pass the concept design presentation.