Courses / Architecture of Workplaces 1

Course data
Course requirements: BMEEPLAA301, BMEEPK0A301
Final requirements: Participation in 70% of the lessons – according to the Code of Studies – is set as a condition. In-person participation in lessons until any different Dean’s Directive or other BME online education measures of higher level. In case of absence from more than 30% of the total number of lessons, the credits of the subject cannot be obtained. Max. 3 lessons absence is allowed. There are two mid-term tests and one additional test during the course. The average of the two best tests must be at least 50% of the points of the two tests. Written exam
Credits: 2
Time: 2 hours lecture
Coursemaster: Bartók István DLA
Instructors: Bartók István DLA
1.15th February 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 Registration Themes/ Conditions of fulfilment Questions of today and challenges of future Material, structure, form – connections in space and time Nature of building material – experience, know-how, experiments, failure and success 
2.22nd February 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 INDUSTRY 1.0 – changing needs, new possibilities Revolutions and industrial revolutions: people and machines 
3.1st March 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 INDUSTRY 2.0 – mass production Modern wars – new needs: compulsion and experiments 
4.8th March 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 INDUSTRY 3.0 – automation Space and structure: big, “smart”, economic. Halls Questions of technology and spatial flexibility. High-tech 
5.15th March 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 Day off, National holiday 
6.22nd March 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 Mid-term test no. 1 INDUSTRY 4.0 – network World of recent past and today, digitalization, intelligent factory, cyber-physical system, cloud computing food questions 
7.29th March 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00  Studio week 
8.5th April 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00  INDUSTRY 5.0 – “coopetitive workspace” World of today and near future, new challenges: “unique mass production”, human cognitive abilities + technology Overpopulation, sustainability 
9.12th April 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 Work environment, lighting, air, temperature Colour, space, material, comfort design, prestige Satisfactory vs. wasteful spaces 
10.19th April 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 Spring holiday 
11.26th April 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 Mid-term test no. 2, Office buildings White collar factory on the grass 
12.3rd May 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 Out of date. Can it be saved? Must it be demolished? Or can it be reinvented? reconstruction/ revitalisation/ rehabilitation IPARTERV – industrial architecture on the top 
13.10th May 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 Workplace of today and tomorrow Low-tech, Smart-tech and High-tech architecture ’remediate-reuse-recycle’ - ReCLAIM. Alternative/ recycle/sustainability 
14.17th May 2022, Tuesday 15:15-17:00 K 221 Project finalization week, Additional test no. 3 
2019. 05. 22. 12:09
The list with the results after the 4th additional short test. Due to the course description the sum of the two best tests must be at least 50% of the points of the two tests, that is 32 points alltogether. Students who's course is marked with "+" have fulfilled this requirement. Students who's course is marked with "-" cannot get the signature for the course.
aow1_students_2019_0522.pdf (64 kB)
2019. 05. 11. 22:11
The list with the results after the 3rd short test. Due to the course description the sum of the two best tests must be at least 50% of the points of the two tests, that is 32 points alltogether. Students who's course is marked with "+" have fulfilled this requirement. Students who's course is marked with "-" have to sit for the 4th extra additional short test in order to get the signature for the course.
aow1_students_2019_0510.pdf (63 kB)
2019. 05. 02. 07:58
The list with the results after the 2nd short test. Due to the course description the sum of the two best tests must be at least 50% of the points of the two tests, that is 32 points alltogether. Students who's course is marked with "+" have fulfilled this requirement. Students who's course is marked with "-" have to sit for the 3rd additional short test in order to get the signature for the course.
aow1_students_2019_0502.pdf (63 kB)
2019. 03. 09. 16:42
The list with the results after the 1st short test. Due to the course description the sum of the two best tests must be at least 50% of the points of the two tests, that is 32 points alltogether.
aow1_students_2019_0307.pdf (59 kB)
2018. 05. 19. 11:15
The list with the results after the 4th extra additional short test. Due to the course description the averege of the two best tests must be at least 50% of the points of the two tests, that is 32 points alltogether. Students who's course is marked with "+" have fulfilled this requirement. Students who's course is marked with "-" can not get the signature for the course.
aow1_students_2018_0523.pdf (68 kB)
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